The latest craze on the internet is the ability to watch Tv directly from PC Or Laptop.This is the dream of everyone to watch thousands of live tv channels from all over the world without spending a penny on monthly cable rentals and pay per view service.Due to this new advanced technology,Satellite PC TV websites popping up all over the Internet.

We did our extensive research to find the best Internet Tv sites on the internet.We picked about 25 of the most popular sites on the internet for watching online tv, selling from $19.95 to $99.95,from 800 tv channels to 9000 tv channels.We picked up five creteria to rank the sites

1.If the actual website product was worth the price we paid.
2.How simple of directions it was to Use or download the channels.
3.How compatible it was with our computer set up.
4.The number of actual channels described to what we actually received.
5.Did the website offer a Money Back Guarantee, and honor it.

We take into consideration all the above mentioned criterias to give you our three five star rated websites offering a great product and well worth the money we paid for it.We will list our reviews for you to check out for yourself and as well as waiting to hear your reviews about them.